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Abstract— Agriculture is the source of living of majority Indians and it also has a countless influence on economy of the country. The objective of our project is to reduce this manual involvement by the farmer by using an automated irrigation system which purpose is to enhance water use for agricultural crops. The inspiration for this project came from the countries where economy is based on agriculture and the climatic conditions prime to shortage of rains & scarcity of water.

The farmers working in the farm lands are only dependent on the rains and bore wells for irrigation of the land. Even if the farm land has a water-pump, manual involvement by farmers is required to turn the pump on/off when needed. The project is intended to cultivate an automatic irrigation system which controls the pump motor ON/OFF on sensing the moisture content of the soil. In the field of agriculture, use of appropriate technique of irrigation is essential. The advantage of using this technique is to reduce human intervention and still certify proper irrigation. A software application was developed by predetermining the threshold values of soil moisture level that was programmed into an arm controller. We are presenting the controlling and monitoring the level of water and detecting the soil moisture content.

Keywords— Arduino, Microcontroller, irrigation, Soil moisture, Solenoid valve and Submersible pump;


As we know that Indian economy is one of the largest developing economies of the world. The agricultural sector has its largest contribution in the Indian economy. To achieve maximum utilization of man power and to obtain maximum profit in a given stipulated there is a need in the upgradation of various engineering techniques that are being used today [1]. Thus maintaining proper amount of water level in the soil is one of the necessary requirements to harvest a good crop that can be a source of various types of nutrients whether micro or macro for their proper growth [1]. If we talk about Indian farmers they are worst hit by the famines that occurs due to failure of crops depending upon various drought factors. Rain plays the key role in deciding the future of these crops as well as the farmers every year. The over utilization of ground water has drastically reduced the ground water level in the last 15 years [2]. So it is the need of hour to utilize each and every drop of water wisely so that it can also be used by our coming generations also. Also we should develop some new methods that use the renewable sources of energy. The development of these new techniques are going to reach our goal of sustainable development as well as to cut off the emission of greenhouse gases to a minimum level. As the name of our project that is Automatic submersible pump control for irrigation with the help of the solenoid valves. This technique will be a very good option for the small and medium farmers who suffer every year just because of failure of crops that took place every year. The implementation of this technology has a wide scope in the nearby future [1, 2].

Agricultural production highly depends on the availability of water. Smart water system frameworks ensures sufficient water supply in the field in proper time. Water is a vital element for all living creatures. Only the agricultural sector accounts for almost 70% of total water consumption which makes this sector the largest water consumer. Numerous research are going on regarding to the improvement of irrigation system [3]. By using modern technologies, the irrigation is becoming smarter day by day, which is more advantageous rather than the traditional methods. Recently, a soil moisture monitoring system was developed in where low power consumption microcontroller is used to realize the functions of the orchard soil data for automatic irrigation. With the help of framework, the project is done by using submersible pump for watering purpose. To control the water flow in the farm land we used solenoid valves, solenoid valves will turn ON / OFF depending upon the moisture content in soil.


Automation of irrigation system refers to the operation of the system with no or minimum manual interventions. Irrigation automation is justified where a large irrigated area is divided into Small segments called irrigation blocks and segments are irrigated in sequence to match the discharge available from the water source [1]. In this regard, the works that we have surveyed describe the different types of automatic irrigation techniques, how they actually have served the purpose and those literatures that we have contemplated.

From this research, we can see that there are a few factors that need to be control in the environment. The factor that is to be considered is soil moisture. J.S. Awati and V.S. Patil, “Automatic Irrigation Control by Using Wireless Sensor Networks”. The system was integrated with sensors into a wireless monitoring network to determine and evaluate calibration functions for the integrated sensors. The system compares the measuring range and the reaction time of both sensor types in a soil layer during drying. Data were transmitted over several kilometers and made available via Internet access.

Mahir et al (2014) proposed an efficient water usage system by pump power reduction using solar-powered drip irrigation system in an orchard. Soil moisture content is analyzed by Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to provide even distribution of water for the required location. This will prevent the unnecessary irrigation and reduce the water demand. This system reduces the orchard’s daily water usage and energy consumption by 38 percentages.

Khriji et al (2014) presented a complete irrigation solution for the farmers based on WSN. The automated irrigation system using low-cost sensor nodes having reduced power consumption can reduce the water waste and is cost effective. A node is deployed using Telos B mote and adequate sensors/actuators. Field nodes are used to detect the level of moisture and temperature in the soil. Weather nodes monitor the climatic changes, and the nodes connected to actuators are used to control the opening of the irrigation valve when needed.

Singh et al (2012) presents a solution for an irrigation controller for cultivation of vegetable plants based on the fuzzy logic methodology. In this system the amount of water given to the plants depends on its size, moisture control of soil, which is affected by temperature of environment, evaporation due to wind velocity and water budget. The system feed water to plants in a controlled and optimal way. Solar energy conversion technology is used to feed power to the pump controller.

Robert (2013) promoted a commercial wireless sensing and control networks using valve control hardware and software. The valve actuation system included development of custom node firmware, actuator hardware and firmware, an internet gateway with control, and communication and web interface software. The system uses single hop radio range using a mesh network with 34 valve actuators for controlling the valves and water meters.

Nolz et al (2007) integrated the sensors into a wireless monitoring network to determine and evaluate calibration functions for the integrated sensors, and compare the measuring range and the reaction time of both sensor types in a soil layer during drying. The integration of the sensors into the telemetry network worked well. Data were transmitted over several kilometers and made available via Internet access.

Xin et al (2013) described an autonomous precision irrigation system through the integration of a center pivot irrigation system with wireless underground sensor networks. The wireless underground sensor aided center pivot system will provide autonomous irrigation management capabilities by monitoring the soil conditions in real time using wireless underground sensors. Experiments were conducted with a hydraulic drive and continuous-move center pivot irrigation system.

A. Need of automatic irrigation system

An automatic irrigation system does the work quite efficiently and with a positive impact on the place where it is installed. Once it is installed in the agricultural field, the water distribution to crops and nurseries becomes easy and

doesn’t require any human support to perform the operations permanently[3]. Sometimes automatic irrigation can also be performed by using mechanical appliances such as clay pots or bottle irrigation system. It’s very hard to implement irrigation systems because they are very expensive and complex in their design. By taking some basic points into considerations from experts’ support, we have implemented some projects on automatic irrigation system by using different technologies.

The automatic irrigation system on sensing soil moisture project is intended for the development of an irrigation system that switches submersible pumps ON/OFF by using relays to perform this action on sensing the moisture content of the soil.

Automatic irrigation systems are convenient, especially for those who travel. If installed and programmed properly, automatic irrigation systems can even save you money and help in water conservation. Automatic irrigation systems can be programmed to discharge more precise amounts of water in a targeted area, which promotes water conservation [1, 3].


In this system we are using 3 soil moisture sensors, Arduino Uno, 3 solenoid valves and relay board. The soil moisture sensors are used to sense the moisture content in the soil in analog form. Analog form is converted to digital form by using Arduino Uno. The digital data is displayed on the display connected to the Arduino. The solenoid valve is used to control the water flow in the field, the solenoid valve is used at the middle of every pipe that goes to the field.

When the moisture at 3 sensors is less than 85 percentage then Submersible pump will turn on and the solenoid valves also in open stage. When the moisture content at sensor 1 get higher and other 2 sensors moisture content is low, then the solenoid valve 1 will get close and solenoid valve 2&3 will stay in open stage and the pump also stay in turn on state.

Fig 1: block diagram of automatic submersible pump control for irrigation

If the moisture content at 1& 2 are reached the above 85 percentage and moisture content at 3 is below 85 Percentage, then the solenoid valves at 1 and 2 will get closed and solenoid valve at 3 will stay open and pump will stay in turn on condition. In only one condition the submersible pump will get turn off, when all sensors reached to above 85 percentage of moisture content then the pump will get turn off. In this simulation to increase or decrease the moisture content we use potentiometer, by varying resistance in potentiometer moisture will vary. It’s a simulation we are using this potentiometer to change the content, otherwise no need to use potentiometer in hardware project.


1. When 3 soil moisture sensors moisture is less then, the pump will get turn ON stage:

In this condition, when all the 3 soil moisture sensors have moisture below 85percentage in the field then the submersible pump will get turn ON and 3 solenoid valves will stay at open stage.

The submersible pump will pump the water in the field till all soil moisture sensors reach the moisture content above 85percent, after reaching that limit then solenoid valves will get closed. The main use of solenoid valve is to control the water coming from the submersible pump.

Fig 2: Moisture content below 85 percent and pump ON condition

2. When 3 soil moisture sensors moisture is more then, the pump will get turn OFF stage:

When the moisture content at 3 soil moisture sensors reaches above 85 percent in the field then the Arduino will send one command to relay to cut the power to solenoid valve and submersible pump. After reaches above 85 percent then the 3 solenoid valves will get closed and the submersible also get turn off, so the water supply will get automatically stopped. We can check the moisture content and pump on/off state displayed on the lcd display.

Fig 3: Moisture content above 85 percent and pump OFF condition

3. When 2 sensors moisture content is more and 1 sensor moisture is less then, the pump will remain in turn ON stage:

Fig 4: Two sensors moisture above 85 percent and One sensor moisture is below 85 percent and pump ON condition

When the moisture content at 3 soil moisture sensors reaches above 85 percent in the field then the Arduino will send one command to relay to cut the power to solenoid valve and submersible pump. After reaches above 85 percent then the 3 solenoid valves will get closed and the submersible also get turn off, so the water supply will get automatically stopped. We can check the moisture content and pump on/off state displayed on the lcd display.


The proposed system is beneficial to the farmers when this system is implemented. When the soil needs water, it is indicated by the sensor by this automatic irrigation system which is implemented. The irrigation system detects the moisture level of the crop. For example, Wheat, Paddy, Sugarcane crops moisture content of soil is detected and irrigated automatically. Automatic irrigation system is used to optimize the usage of water by reducing wastage and reduces the human work. The system requires minimal maintenance and attention because they are self-starting. To further enhance the daily pumping rates, tracking arrays can be implemented.

The system has been tested to function automatically. The moisture sensors measure the moisture level (water content) of the different plants. If the moisture level is found to be below the desired level, the moisture sensor sends the signal to the IC (Microcontroller) which triggers the submersible Pump to turn ON. When the desired moisture level is reached, the system halts on its own and the Water Pump is turned OFF. Thus, the functionality of the entire system has been tested thoroughly and it is said to function successfully.


In future, the automated irrigation system using linear programming provides to be a real time feedback control system. This control system monitors at the same time the cultivation of the entire irrigation system is controlled and also efficient water management gives more profit in less cost. Using this system, manpower and water can be saved, as well as with this system the productivity improved and ultimately the profit. In future with some modification in this system can also supply agricultural chemical like sodium, ammonium, zinc, calcium to the field along with fertilizers by adding new sensor and valves.


[1] J.S. Awati and V.S. Patil, “Automatic Irrigation Control by Using Wireless Sensor Networks”, Journal of Exclusive Management Science, Vol. 1, Issue 6, pp. 1-7, June 2012.

[2] Farid e-tal Irrigation System Based on Wireless Network”, International Conference on Control and Automation, ICCA, 2010, pp.2120-2125.

[3] M. Yildirim and M. Demirel, “An Automated Drip Irrigation System Based on Soil Electrical Conductivity”, The Philippine Agricultural Scientist, Vol. 94, No. 4, p.343-349, December, 2011.

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